Visionary Frames:

Crafting Motion from Stillness

Social Interaction:

We initiated this project by a suggestion. Grok AI Chip - a SUPER fast large language model - suggested it was good at history.

So, I asked it about women who pioneered social cognitive theory and immersive technologies.

Gathering insights and perspectives on the pivotal work of Eleanor E. Maccoby, Carol Dweck, Wendy Wood, and Nonny de la Peña. Their stories were shared, forming the bedrock of our narrative.

Cognitive Engagement:

We then put that response into MidJourney, creating the 53 images you see below.

That same response was also added to ChatGPT to craft a script that not only educates but also inspires. We aimed to spark curiosity and foster an appreciation for the growth mindset, the power of habits, and the immersive potential of virtual reality, engaging the audience's intellect and emotions.

[Voiceover starts with a tone of admiration and inspiration]
"In a world rich with knowledge and relentless change, we embark on a journey through the minds of pioneers who have reshaped our social fabric. We begin with Eleanor E. Maccoby, whose groundbreaking work defied the constraints of gender roles, setting the stage for a future where every child learns not from stereotypes, but from their boundless potential."
[Transition to a more introspective tone]
"As we navigate the complex pathways of human cognition, we encounter the transformative insights of Carol Dweck. Her dedication to the growth mindset theory reveals that it's not our abilities that define us, but our unyielding belief in the power of learning and resilience."
[Voiceover gradually shifts to a tone of revelation and empowerment]
"Through the lens of Wendy Wood, we discover the profound impact of habits on our existence. Her meticulous research uncovers the patterns that guide our daily lives, illuminating the path to personal and collective wellbeing."
[As the animation moves towards immersive technology, the voiceover adopts a tone of awe and excitement]
"And in the realm of immersive tech, we meet visionaries like Nonny de la Peña. Dubbed the 'godmother of virtual reality,' she pioneers a new era of journalism, where stories transcend the screen, inviting us into a world where news is not just seen, but felt."
[The voiceover culminates with a reflective and forward-looking tone]
"As we reach the horizon of innovation, we stand on the shoulders of these giants. Their contributions to social cognitive theory and technology are not just a chronicle of progress but a beacon guiding us towards a future where every individual's potential can be realized in full, immersive clarity."
[Voiceover ends with a subtle call to action]
"Join us in this evolving narrative, where the seeds of today's science and technology bloom into the solutions of tomorrow, crafted by the brilliant minds of women whose legacies we continue to celebrate and build upon."

Experiential Learning:

"The use of frame interpolation and the capabilities of Final Cut Pro allowed us to create a fluid visual experience that mirrors the continuous evolution of learning and innovation. The audience is not just passive consumers of information but active participants in the unfolding story of human progress."

Storytelling Approach:

The project's voiceover starts with admiration for the legacy of these women, transitions through introspection on their theories, and culminates with a call to action. This narrative arc is designed to mirror each pioneer's journey of discovery and empowerment.

Technical Execution:

Fifty-three images were meticulously selected to represent key moments and insights. Using Midjourney for initial interpolation and Final Cut Pro for fine-tuning, we crafted a visual symphony that is both a historical document and a forward-looking vision.


As we present this project, we invite the audience to join us in honoring the past and shaping the future, inspired by the women who have paved the way for our journey through the ever-evolving landscape of social cognitive theory and immersive technology.

Call to Action:

Explore the video, reflect on the narratives, and contribute to the ongoing story of innovation and human potential. Your engagement is the next chapter in this living legacy.


Thanks to the AI and digital tools that made this exploration possible, allowing us to stitch together history and innovation in a seamless narrative.


Conor Grennan's Ai Mindset